Adieu les punaises de lit dans le jardin, autres que les insecticides chimiques: les les floattent donc immédiatement

Goodbye to bedbugs in the garden, other than chemical insecticides: so they float immediately
They are not at all harmless when it comes to plants and naturaleza. Small, green and with a bad smell if crushed, they adhere to the leaves not only sucking plant sap, but also acting as a vehicle for bacteria and viruses that lead to important plant enclosures.
Bedbug on plant
This last, in turn, can alter the growth of a species, prevent fruiting or flowering and, in the worst case, even end the life cycle of a plant.

The Nezare Viridule, is their scientific name, due to their green color that distinguishes them from all other insects, they camouflage themselves with the foliage and are difficult to identify.

Leur corps plat et aplati allow alors to ensure that each part of the plant that goes unnoticed is cached. This is what cannot be done, it is damage that these insects can cause to the plants in our garden.

In agriculture, lightworms are considered parasites that are not all harmless and should not be harmful. There are more remedies to solve the problem. There are many insecticides that you can find in pepinières or in specialized magazines that contain chemicals.

The technique we want to talk to you about today will allow you to create a very simple recipe. With these 2 ingredients, you can definitely add the lights to the garden.

The natural recipe to discourage light pain.
If the light rays attack the plants, it is causing a serious problem. The danger that these insects represent to our plants is under estimate. This is what we ask the most, is first of all that they are equally resistant to very powerful pesticides and insecticides.

Alors, what faire if the punaises de lit attack the plants of our garden? Control in a domestic environment is easier, but in a container or green space, the situation becomes more complicated.

Fortunately, there are natural remedies that will really help you say goodbye to bedbugs in the garden. To make your insecticide proprietor without chimney, you will need to obtain 2 ingredients: the chemical yeast and the water.

Versez un sachet de levure chimique dans un liter d’eau. Pay attention to the reaction between the two elements ending and transfer your solution to a nebulizer to ensure that the effect is completely dissolved in the water.
Baking powder to get rid of bedbugs
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